Tonya, could you please e-mail me? Check my profile.
Everyone, thank you so much for commenting. This was really fun for me, and I can't wait to do another giveaway!
My friend Amber now has a blog dedicated to Brynn's Bows and Blossoms. It will also always have a link here on the blog.
Also, yes...Piper's hair has been cut. I really tried to talk her into not "wanting" so much cut off, but Piper is a little bit stubborn (gee, I wonder where she gets that from). Her reasoning was..."I really want to see what it feels like to have shorter hair." Needless to say, she got it cut. And, it looks beautiful and healthy and it is still long enough to do stuff with. And, most importantly, she LOVES it, and so do I.
However, it is going to be a little hard for me to do some of our old standbys. I also know that Piper's hair grows very fast and it will be long again in a couple of months. Yes...I did cry, but I didn't let Piper see me cry, I wouldn't want her to feel bad or guilty for something as silly as getting her haircut.
Our "ponytail" posts may dwindle because her ponytail isn't as long anymore, but we did a cute one today, and I loved it. I will still be able to do A LOT of great things.
Before the haircut. Sunday with a simple "bug" for church.
During the haircut. (My cousin Melanie, she is absolutely FABULOUS!)
After the haircut. Doesn't it look so healthy and beautiful?
BY THE WAY...What in the world are all you ladies doing up in the middle of the night?
I love your blog! I love finding new hairstyles for my 6 year old daughter. Bows are always a plus!! (I was not gifted in the bow making department either!)
July 2, 2008 11:29 AM